‘Time Immemorial...Nesting Children on the Tree of Life,’ mixed media mural (painted background with students, dot painted clouds & leaves by K-Gr 1, and beadwork by Gr 2-4. This was a Manitoba Arts Council Artist-in-School Grant Project with Ecole Crane School. Named by Elder Alison Cox. 2022-23.
Mixed media mural detail shots
Untitled St. Maurice Daycare Murals, Acrylic on wood, 2023. This mural project has an interactive component. Children will have their animal magnets attached to the mural at a later date.
Daycare mural install shots
Eagle Mural, located at Whyte Ridge School, 2022. (Painted with Whyte Ridge Students.)
Lead Artist on this mural, Located at Mary Mound School, 2022. (Painted with Mary Mound students.)
Untitled Mural, 40 ft storage container, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation, MB, (next to bandoffice), Lead mural artist, 2021.
Fancy Shawl Dancer Mural, printed onto aluminum panels, Wall-to-Wall Panel Mural Participant, located on the corner of Logan Ave and Main St, Winnipeg, MB, 2021.